I'm currently battling with the following equation:
ANSWER = A1.027 / 4.587 * 10( -0.004096 * (100 - B)1.536 + 0.01201 * C + 0.2789 * sqrt(D) - 0.09577 * sqrt(E))
I can simplify it a bit as A = 10 & B = 100 for all examples I will be calculating
C, D & E are all integer values
ANSWER is a float
I have simplified the equation to:
ANSWER = (2.23893612*(10*((0.01201 * C) + (0.2789 * sqrt(D) - (0.09577 * sqrt(E));
Suggestions on how to handle that hot mess on the Arduino?
Calculate the three lots of internal brackets and put them into floats and then use those in a final equation?