Matlab FSR Feedback Servo Control Help Needed


I am trying to write a code that will give some sort feedback for the control of a robotic hand. I am working on an Arduino uno, using matlab 2013b. I have setup the matlab with the ArduinoIO Package, and I am able to control the board.

Is there a way to get the servo to stop once the reading on the FSR is high enough? I have tried adding a break function on hopes it would just stop, but it causes the servo returns to the zero position instead.

clc; clear all; close all;

a = arduino('com4');              %Assign serial port
a.servoAttach(7);                  %Attach servo to pin 7

while count==1;                    %Start loop
	for angle = 0:10:180;     %Angles between 0 and 180 in increments of 10

        V=a.analogRead(0)         %Analog reading at pin 0
        current=a.servoRead(7)  %Current angular position of servo 7
        a.servoWrite(7, angle)    %Move servo 7 to angular position
        pause(0.5)                    %Pause for 0.5 seconds to let servo complete action

        if V>5                          %If reading on FSR is above 5
            break                       %Stop loop


I have tried adding a break function on hopes it would just stop, but it causes the servo returns to the zero position instead.

What are you breaking out of? It looks to me like you are breaking out of the for loop, but staying in the while loop, so the process starts all over again.

On the other hand, if the while loop is what is exited, does the serial port get closed? That would reset the Arduino, explaining the servo moving.