Matrix calculating

Hi all !
Pleaaaase I really need help in my engineering studies' final project and I m running out of time !
the problem : I have an ARDBOC TCH20 which is a PLC based on arduino leonardo !
and I will use (I must) in system identification ,
I have a MATLAB code which I have simulated it and worked and I need to program it with arduino IDE , thus the main problem that I have matrix to be multiplied and reccursive calculation !
please any hint or help :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: >:( :frowning: :frowning: :o :o
and tell me if arduino supports matrix calculation !
thank you

and tell me if arduino supports matrix calculation !

Matrix arithmetic is a software problem, the hardware does not matter here.

You'll have to show some sign of effort on your part to interest others to help you. For example post the Arduino code you are struggling with... or have you left the whole 'learning Arduino' to the last minute for your finals?

Have you tried googling "arduino linear algebra library"? I am almost absolutely certain one exists without even having to do so myself. For you to be an engineering student, and not know how to search for this (let alone implement it yourself - basic linear algebra is usually taught much earlier than college/university) vexes me.

and tell me if arduino supports matrix calculation ![/b]

Matrix calculations are based on simple math operations.

As Arduino controllers (each of them) allow to execute simpe math operations: YES, Arduino supports matrix calculations within its limitations, such as float==double == 32 bit floating point variables (wit Arduino boards that use 8-bit Atmega controllers). So don't expect results to be accurate up to 18 significant digits when not using 32-bit ARM based Arduino boards design.