Matrix unit board

I want to assembly a simple led matrix which will run a text string.
I would like to be able to store (and call) up to 99 different text strings.
A simple 4 x 4 keyboard would be used as command panel.

I've got Arduino Uno 3
and going to purchase this unit board:

and this 4x4 keypad keyboard:

So when I type, for example No 12, text string No 12 would run on the board unit until I type new two digit number.

Is it possible to make it work with these components? (I do have many different power supplies and connection cables)
Do I need more components?
Is there more simple way to do it?

Bump! :frowning:

Look to see if there is a library to drive that LED matrix.

Look to see if there is a library to drive that LED matrix.

I should probably use some other LED matrix with approximately same size.
I can't find the library for this one.

This one looks promissing:

Any other suggestions?

Looks OK.

Download the library, install it into the Arduino IDE then write a program with it and check it compiles OK.

Looks OK.

Download the library, install it into the Arduino IDE then write a program with it and check it compiles OK.

I guess I need to install library for 4x4 key pad too.

Look at the parola library for driving multiple LED matrixes with a MAX7219 for each 8x8 display.
Daisy chain the MAX7219's together. The library supports many configurations.

I seem to remember that there are some keypad libraries about, especially if it is a simple 3X4 or 4X4 one.

Keypad.h from the playground, works very well. Example given is 3x4, easy to adjust to 4x4.