My friend is measuring 150mA from a Nano. Even though he takes just 15mA from the digital pins driving LEDs, won't he fry the board?
My friend is measuring 150mA from a Nano. Even though he takes just 15mA from the digital pins driving LEDs, won't he fry the board?
Where (and how) are you measuring current? How much current is being drawn from I/O pins, from 5V pin? Post a wiring diagram.
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My friend is measuring 150mA from a Nano
How is he doing that? An ammeter is essentially a short (very low resistance) and it's supposed to be inserted in series with the load.
I assume it's possible to get 150mA out of an Arduino pin but you are exceeding the specs and you can't complain if you fry it.
If you connect the ammeter directly between the output pin and ground you are "shorting out" the pin.
If you connect an ammeter across a power supply you'll blow the fuse in the meter (hopefully before you blow the power supply or the meter).
My friend is measuring 150mA from a Nano. Even though he takes just 15mA from the digital pins driving LEDs, won't he fry the board?
Sorry, but that doesn't really mean anything!
As the others have said, you need to properly explain what you mean.
If you don't know what he is actually doing, then you need to find out before we go any further.
To answer your question the Arduino Uno uses the at MEGA328 micro controller, which has an absolute maximum rating of 40 mA source or sink per GPIO. Best to stay under 20 if you can. Also, the total current through the supply or ground rails (i.e. the total of all current OP wants the GPIO pins to sink, or source) is rated to a maximum of 200 mA. The 200 includes everything including connected even all of the leds. Here is a good link to check it out. Arduino Playground - ArduinoPinCurrentLimitations