I'm relatively new to hardware but am learning fast.
I'm playing around with reading pressure sensors to calulate airspeed, altitude, etc.
Until now I've been using the on-board AD converters but now I need to move up to higher resolution. A popular ADC seems to be the Maxim MAX187. I grabbed a few sample from Maxim and I am not trying to interface them.
I've got my MAx187 wired like this:
Pin 1: Vdd - 5v -- connected to the 5v connector on the Mega2560
Pin 2: Ain - connected to the sensor
Pin3: Shutdown pin - not sure. connect to an available analog pin and set high or low to turn adc on/off?
Pin 4: Reference - using internal ref...connected pin to ground
Pin 5: Ground - connected to ground
Pin 6: Dout - Connected to Mega pin 50 (MISO)
Pin 7: CS - connected to Mega pin 51 (MOSI)
Pin 8: SCLK - conncted to Mega pin 52 (SCK)
So, several questions.
Do I ahve the SHDN connction and use correct
Do I have the three SPI pins correct?
The MAX187 datasheet says to connect my SS (Mega pin53) to a 5v source..Teh diagram also shows a resistor between the 5v source and the pin but gives no values. What do I do there?