MAX30101 green led on wrist and BPM measuring

Good morning everyone. I am trying to measure the BPM by putting a MAX30101 sensor on the wrist with an ESP8266.
The instruction on page 22 shows that it's possible to change the setup in order to get the blood volume pulse on the wrist and, as it's possible to see on that page, the BPM are correctly measured.
I tryied to replicate the same setting on the Arduino IDE but, according to the first algorithm, BPM are always 0, according to the second algorithm, BPM vary a lot from -999 to 300 and sometimes 1200.
Can anyone show me some furher example of code using the green led? As the sketch examples works well with red led and IR led on the finger (both algorithm show the correct BPM with those settings), but I can't find the correct way to apply those algorithms with green led.
Thank you a lot"

Ladyada (Adafruit) has some interesting articles on the topic, some may have snippets or example code.

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