MAX30105 heart rate sensor not recognized by its own library

i used an ic2 scanner to verify the module is functional, and it says:
"17:10:45.780 -> Scanning...
17:10:45.780 -> I2C device found at address 0x57 !
17:10:45.780 -> done"
however, when i plug it into the sparkfun libraries example sketch, it is not recognized. is there any way to fix this?

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RV mineirin

#include <Wire.h>
#include "MAX30105.h"

MAX30105 particleSensor;

#define debug Serial //Uncomment this line if you're using an Uno or ESP
//#define debug SerialUSB //Uncomment this line if you're using a SAMD21

void setup()
  debug.println("MAX30105 Basic Readings Example");

  // Initialize sensor
  if (particleSensor.begin() == false)
    debug.println("MAX30105 was not found. Please check wiring/power. ");
    while (1);

  particleSensor.setup(); //Configure sensor. Use 6.4mA for LED drive

void loop()
  debug.print(" R[");
  debug.print("] IR[");
  debug.print("] G[");


keeps saying not recogized. maybe becuse i am using mega and not the regular arduino uno


Which arduino/ESP are you using?

i am using arduino mega 2560.

Replace this line :
if (particleSensor.begin() == false)

with this one:

if (!particleSensor.begin(Wire, I2C_SPEED_FAST)) //Use default I2C port, 400kHz speed

i'm sorry but it says it is not found. the sensor board did not flash either

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