My specifics:
Windows 10 Pro
Arduino 2.2.1
ChipKIT MAX32 board
CMU PIXY camera (not PIXY2)
I have installed the PIXY library into my IDE. It installed fine. The PIXY is working and detecting things, you can see from its RGB LED. The PIXY "hello world" compiled and downloaded and says "starting..."
I am using the SPI port on the MAX32 called J13 which has the same pinout as the 6-pin header on the Arduino UNO SPI port. I have the cable correctly oriented - I checked the MAX32 schematic about that. I compiled and ran "hello world" on the UNO with the PIXY and it works fine, so the camera checks out.
The PIXY is 3.3V I/O, and so is the MAX32, so there shouldn't be any voltage mismatch issue. The MAX32 does not supply power through the J13 SPI port so I have a 2S Lipo running the camera. I have all of the bases covered and checked my wiring.
But no go. I suspect that whatever SPI port that SPI.h refers to, it isn't the one in the middle of the MAX32 board labeled J13.
Has anyone gotten a CMU PIXY camera to work on a ChipKIT board? Any pointers before I have to dive into source code?
be well,