Hello folks,
I'm posting - yet another - topic about the great Max7219.
I just moved out and found a box of old 7 Segments 2 digits which I want to control using the Max7219.
After following this post and made sure I didn't make any mistake ( ), everything's dark, nothing displayed at all.
I suspect my LEDs are the problem, as my code is quite simple (I just setup LedControl and tried to turn 2 and then 1 digit) and I can't actually find the right datasheet.
The model is LD-5261as, and I really couldn't find anything really convincing.
Here's the first datasheet I found: 5261AS
However, when I give it a go and try to display "8" on one digit, both digits light up and only segments A and F are lit.
After a bit of trial and error, it seems the display match this datasheet: KYX-5261AS - and would explain why only segments A and F are lit with the previous setup.
But then, when I plug everything according to this second datasheet, pitch black, nothing.
Here's an example of the most basic code I've been trying to use for reference:
#include "LedControl.h"
LedControl lc=LedControl(12,11,10,1);
void setup() {
void loop() {
So here's my question, what could be wrong ? I can't get my head around it, if it's not the displays I'm out of ideas
I'll post a picture of my setup if needed.
PS: I used a 47KOhm resistor.
Cheers !