I have a fairly simple project using an Arduino to feed a MAX7221 chip that drives eight 7-segment LED's, in a set of four double-digit displays.
I sent down a very simple sketch that does nothing more than run the digits 0-9 on each digit in sequence, and it all works just fine - with one curious exception. Digit 5 seems always active, all segments lit - brighter than the other 7 displays and seemingly always showing a shadow or "glimmer" of the adjacent digit (which displays correctly).
I traded the digit select wires from the pair exhibiting the behavior with an entirely different working pair, and the problem goes with it. The original set of digits then worked normally. That leads me back to the pin driving the digit. I replaced the wire from the pin to the digit select, with no difference. That's leading me to the 7221 itself and the pin driving the suspect digit.
I would describe the behavior as the digit always being pulled down by the 7221 (connected to the cathode), as if internally the chip has developed a flaw that leaves that digit stuck "on." Bizarre as it seems, I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced a similar problem with this particular chip. Mostly a curiosity, because I've inadverntly fried a couple of these chips before with careless application of wrong voltage, but that normally results in the whole thing being toasted, not one of the eight displays getting "stuck." Just seemed a little odd.