Maximum number of plots in Serial Plotter and legends

Hi all,

I am Fernando and using the following version of Arduino IDE.
Version: 2.0.4
Date: 2023-02-27T16:14:28.576Z
CLI Version: 0.31.0

I need to plot 9 curves in the serial plotter. But it plots only 8.
Is there a way to increase the number of plots in the serial plotter?

I have also seen VIDEOs printing the labels (legends) for each curve in the serial plotter. But In my version I can not see the legends.

Is there a way to activate this feature, to display the labels?
Thank you.
Best Wishes

See instructions at

It is very weak on the details, but shows you how to add labels (follow that format, no blanks allowed).

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The Wokwi simulator plots 16 channels :partying_face:

You don't have to use the Arduino Serial Plotter, you can use any serial terminal app. Some can capture the data (as text) and store it to a file, then you can plot it with a plotter app (a spreadsheet ? I don't know).

Thank you, Remington.
The legends are now showing up on the plot.
Number of curves are still limited to 8.

You probably need to modify the Arduino IDE code to increase that.

My approach is to output a standard formatted .csv (text) file and make plots in Excel.

Thank you Kopel for the info.
Can the Wokwi flash/run Ardunino and ESp32 boards?

I use Excel "data streamer".
Issue is, need to disconnect the comport from Arduino IDE by completely closing it in order to connect to data streamer.

Is there a way to disconnect comport from Arduino IDE without closing?

Get around that in a couple of ways.

Using the Pololu AVR programmer V2.1, you can have two ports open to an Arduino at the same time, an ISP programming port, and a serial port for Serial.print data (works with Uno and the like).

Or use an Arduino with an addition hardware serial port, connected to a USB-serial adapter, so that the programming operation and data output streams (e.g. on Serial1) are separate.

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Wokwi can simulate the ESP32:
It can not store the output of the Serial Monitor to a file. You have to use copy-paste.
The buffer for the Serial Monitor is able to store over 500 kbyte of text.

This is my test sketch for the buffer size. Use at your own risk, JavaScript or the browser might crash.

If serial monitor is open, closing serial monitor should be sufficient.

Thank you, I will try!

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