You don't have to use the Arduino Serial Plotter, you can use any serial terminal app. Some can capture the data (as text) and store it to a file, then you can plot it with a plotter app (a spreadsheet ? I don't know).
Using the Pololu AVR programmer V2.1, you can have two ports open to an Arduino at the same time, an ISP programming port, and a serial port for Serial.print data (works with Uno and the like).
Or use an Arduino with an addition hardware serial port, connected to a USB-serial adapter, so that the programming operation and data output streams (e.g. on Serial1) are separate.
Wokwi can simulate the ESP32:
It can not store the output of the Serial Monitor to a file. You have to use copy-paste.
The buffer for the Serial Monitor is able to store over 500 kbyte of text.
This is my test sketch for the buffer size. Use at your own risk, JavaScript or the browser might crash.