Maxunio Stepper Problem


i have some problems withe the maxunio v0014, easydriver v4.4 and an arduino uno.
Everything works fine with an arduino code and controlling the stepper is no problem.
but in max msp i really cant solve the problem. i uploaded the stepper firmata which comes with maxunio v0014 but now in max i cant control the stepper. its no problem to read my analog pins or control servos and so on but not the stepper. when i switch the STEP pin to pwm the stepper is constantly moving when the number is between 0.1-0.9 on 0.0 or 1.0 its stopping during the moving switching the DIR from 0 to 1 is changing the direction but i think thats not how its supposed to be :wink:
is there any tutorial or someone with the same problem and a solution?

when i switch the STEP pin to pwm the stepper is constantly moving when the number is between 0.1-0.9 on 0.0 or 1.0 its stopping during the moving

Whoa. Slow down. Take a deep breath, and try again.

What number is between 0.1 and 0.9?

the stepper is moving at a constant speed when the number is 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ... and so on but at a 0.0 or 1.0 its not moving..?

the stepper is moving at a constant speed when the number is 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ... and so on but at a 0.0 or 1.0 its not moving..?

I still have no idea what number you are talking about. Nor do I have any idea what code is running on the Arduino. Stepper firmata is not part of the standard (but not supported) Firmata library.

Post a link to where you got that sketch, and define what number you are talking about. How is that number supposed to make the stepper step? What is 0.3 steps supposed to look like? How do you expect a PWM pin to make a stepper step? The on/off times are pretty fast for making a stepper step.


the stepper is moving at a constant speed when the number is 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ... and so on but at a 0.0 or 1.0 its not moving..?

I still have no idea what number you are talking about. Nor do I have any idea what code is running on the Arduino. Stepper firmata is not part of the standard (but not supported) Firmata library.

Post a link to where you got that sketch, and define what number you are talking about. How is that number supposed to make the stepper step? What is 0.3 steps supposed to look like? How do you expect a PWM pin to make a stepper step? The on/off times are pretty fast for making a stepper step.

hi paul
sorry but the problem is i dont understand it, either. i am new to arduino and coding therefore i want to control the arduino through max msp because i prefer the node based programming... this is the sketch and plugin for max msp i am talking about. the stepperfirmate is inside the maxuino v014.
the stepper is not taking any steps its just moving constantly and dont expect anything i just mentioned it because i dont know why this is happening