MC14489 driver to Arduino

Hey everyone,
I have this machine (a coin acceptor) that has support for a LED driver (the MC14489). Now I don't have such driver so I want to interpret the data with an Arduino (Mega).
So far I found the wire for Data (I connected to MISO, 50), Clock (SCK, 52) and Select (SS, 53).
How can I get the information in binary format displayed on a serial console? Should I use shiftIn? If so, what is the role of SS?

OK, so you want your Arduino to be a receiver for the coin acceptor, to simulate the MC14489 chip in some fashion after receiving the data. You can program it to do that no problem. SS means Slave Select. An actual MC14489 will be disabled when that line is high and enabled when it is low. Your Arduino should act the same way, ignore incoming data when the line is high and accept it when it is low. That is, it should if you want to simulate an MC14489 exactly. In your case, you probably don't have to monitor SS at all because the coin acceptor is not going to send data unless it is also lowering the SS line. The SS line on the actual MC14489 is for situations when there are multiple ICs sharing the Data and Clock lines (in other words, the Data and Clock lines are bused), for example, with multiple MC14489s. This is not happening in your application.

Yes, use ShiftIn, and then Serial.Write. You will probably have to play with it a bit but it should work.

void loop(){
 if (digitalRead(A2) == LOW){
 Serial.println(shiftIn(52, 50, MSBFIRST), HEX);

Thank you for the insight! While probably I won't use multiple MC's I found it easier just to account for the SS. So when it gets pulled low data is transmitted to the serial monitor with shift in.

Now I have to make sense of these values.

Now I have to make sense of these values.

Read the datasheet for the MC14489 and work backwards. Just ask yourself, "what would these bits make the MC14489 do" based on the datasheet.