To repeat;
4. Have you measured the feedback volts out of Pot1?
That is the voltage between gnd and the wiper of Pot1 as the output volts goes beyond 600V!!!!!!!
To quote;
Try it with 100R across the output, give it a load.
What is the voltage rating of C2, 1000uF?
Can you post a picture of your project so we can see your component layout?
PS. Any reason for this project, seeing as you have already used 2 ready made boost converters?
- I thought you were asking if the pot1 was faulty or not. Anyways, I did check the voltage, and it sadly rises as well. Each time i turned this thing on, the wires would start heating up and i jerked the cables out of the battery.beyond 600 volts is nothing constant though, i just meant that the voltage keeps rising, so either somethings going to burn and disconnect, or the wires go too hot too fast to make me pull them out. But one thing is certain, the output voltage rises regardless of the pot value.
I didnt try it with any load, checking it now.
My project looks pretty crappy and messed up.. but okay, ill post pictures soon.
The capacitor is 16V, one more reason i didnt kill myself with a capacitor charged beyond 600V.
Well, life doesnt go the expected way does it... I first planned to use the XL6009 boost converter, the supplier listed it as 3V input capable, I tried it with 3v, also foolishly without any load, and ultimately discovered that doesnt work under load. Then my plan B was to use a dedicated IC, and also, fml, the only one i could find in my country was this one.. the mc34063A, this problem came up, not enough current capacity, i moved to plan C, use 555 timer, AND THEN AGAIN >.< the only 555 timersi can find are NE555 ones HAVE A MINIMUM VOLTAGE OF 5V!!!!! AGAIN!( think xl6009 ), so back to plan D, make Do with plan B.
which is why i have to do this thing.
Plus, in case you ask, the 3V to 5V is integrated with the charging system, and cant provide enough anyways, aside the fact that the dw01 on it has current limits.