mcp 2515 with teensy 3.2 and 3.5

I have a similar problem as in this topic [SOLVED] CAN BUS shield works in loopback mode, but not in normal mode - Networking, Protocols, and Devices - Arduino Forum but the fact is that i have 2 devices on the can bus.
One teensy 3.2 with mcp2515 (mcp2515 board)
and one teensy 3.5 with the same board on the other side.
They are connected with a 1,5m cable and resistors on each side (63,5 ohms measured beetween Can H and Can L)
Every board shares the same power (ie 5V to Vin pin on Teensy and to VCC on the MCP2515 boards) and common ground.

Both sides function correctly in loopback mode but when i switch to normal mode it will display "Error sending message" on the sender side and nothing on the reciever side.
i'm using this library GitHub - coryjfowler/MCP_CAN_lib: MCP_CAN Library

Any ideas on what i'm doing wrong ?

How is it wired? Any images?