MCP23017 - General Routines that need testing

There's quite a lot you can do with the MCP and I find that the Adafruit library is not clear enough for me in terms of the setting of the MCP.
So I have written a set of subroutines that I think are easier to understand. Nick Gammon produced a similar set years ago but his does not allow customising of each port in an MCP, it assumes both ports are the same
I have tested all the basic functions but am struggling with the interrupts as I do not have a suitable connection and test gear for the interrupt testing.

I would be pleased if someone could test these out and comment back

// MCP23017 - General Simple Subroutines
// for initialising, reading, writing to ports
// and setting of interrupts
// Written by : Rod McMahon
// Written : 26 May 2022
// Thanks to Nick Gammon

#include <Wire.h>

//MCP23017 General
uint8_t PortAState; // Used for setting and storing output states
uint8_t PortBState; // Used for setting and storing output states

// MCP23017 registers (everything except direction defaults to 0)
// Thanks to Nick Gammon
#define IODIRA 0x00 // IO direction (0 = output, 1 = input (Default))
#define IODIRB 0x01
#define IOPOLA 0x02 // IO polarity (0 = normal, 1 = inverse)
#define IOPOLB 0x03
#define GPINTENA 0x04 // Interrupt on change (0 = disable, 1 = enable)
#define GPINTENB 0x05
#define DEFVALA 0x06 // Default comparison for interrupt on change (interrupts on opposite)
#define DEFVALB 0x07
#define INTCONA 0x08 // Interrupt control (0 = interrupt on change from previous, 1 = interrupt on change from DEFVAL)
#define INTCONB 0x09
#define IOCONA 0x0A // IO Configuration: bank/mirror/seqop/disslw/haen/odr/intpol/notimp
#define IOCONB 0x0B
#define GPPUA 0x0C // Pull-up resistor (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
#define GPPUB 0x0D
#define INFTFA 0x0E // Interrupt flag (read only) : (0 = no interrupt, 1 = pin caused interrupt)
#define INFTFB 0x0F
#define INTCAPA 0x10 // Interrupt capture (read only) : value of GPIO at time of last interrupt
#define INTCAPB 0x11
#define GPIOA 0x12 // Port value. Write to change, read to obtain value
#define GPIOB 0x13
#define OLLATA 0x14 // Output latch. Write to latch output.
#define OLLATB 0x15

// Writes Data to Register in MCPAdd
void MCPWrite(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t Reg, uint8_t Data)

//Reads data from Register in MCPAdd
uint8_t MCPRead(int MCPAdd, uint8_t Reg)
Wire.write(Reg); //Sets address to Port B
Wire.requestFrom(MCPAdd,1,true); //Gets one uint8_t from register, stops request message
return; //Reads in the uint8_t

// Initialises the two IOPorts on MCPAdd
// Ports are labelled "Input" or "Output"
// IOPOLA and GPPUA can be deteted or others added
void MCPInitialize(uint8_t MCPAdd,String IOPortAType,String IOPortBType)
if(IOPortAType =="Input")
MCPWrite(MCPAdd, IODIRA,0xFF); // IODIRA set all of bank A to Inputs
MCPWrite(MCPAdd, IOPOLA,0xFF); // IOPOLA Invert all Inputs
MCPWrite(MCPAdd, GPPUA, 0xFF); // GPPUA set all of bank A Pull Ups
if(IOPortAType =="Output")
MCPWrite(MCPAdd, IODIRA,0x00); // IODIRA set all of bank A to Outputs

if(IOPortBType =="Input")
MCPWrite(MCPAdd, IODIRB,0xFF); // IODIRB set all of bank B to Inputs
MCPWrite(MCPAdd, IOPOLB,0xFF); // IOPOLB Invert all Inputs
MCPWrite(MCPAdd, GPPUB, 0xFF); // GPPUB set all of bank B Pull Ups
if(IOPortBType =="Output")
MCPWrite(MCPAdd, IODIRB,0x00); // IODIRB set all of bank B to Outputs

// Sets or clears one output of an IOPort on MCPAdd
// Port_x_State is a global variable so each IO change
// does not loose the other output states
// Pin Number = 0 to 7
// Value
void MCPSetOutput(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort,uint8_t PinNumber,boolean Value)
if (IOPort == GPIOA )
if (Value = true)
PortAState = bitSet(PortAState,PinNumber); // Sets the bit in PortAState
PortAState = bitClear(PortAState,PinNumber); // Clears the bit in PortAState

if (IOPort == GPIOB)
if (Value = true)
PortBState = bitSet(PortBState,PinNumber);
PortBState = bitClear(PortBState,PinNumber);

// Sets interrupt for Change only
// not for reference to DEVAL
// Interrupt pin set normally High
// Uses the default that INTCON register is 0x00
void MCPSetIntChange(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort)
uint8_t ClearInt;
if (IOPort == GPIOA)
MCPWrite(MCPAdd,GPINTENA,0xFF); // GPINTENA Interrupt all IO on change
MCPWrite(MCPAdd,IOCONA, 0b00000010); // Interrupt pin normally High
ClearInt = MCPRead(MCPAdd, INTCAPA); // Reads to clear interrupt
if (IOPort == GPIOB)
MCPWrite(MCPAdd,GPINTENB,0xFF); // GPINTENB Interrupt all IO on change
MCPWrite(MCPAdd,IOCONB, 0b00000010); // Interrupt pin normally High
ClearInt = MCPRead(MCPAdd, INTCAPB); // Reads to clear interrupt

// Sets interrupt for difference to DEVAL
// Interrupt pin set normally High
// IntConState determines which pin is compared to the values in DEFVAL
// DefvalState defines the state that the pin is compared against
// GPINTEN can be masked so only some pins change on interrupt
void MCPSetIntDefvalChange(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort, uint8_t IntConSet, uint8_t DefvalSet)
uint8_t ClearInt;
if (IOPort == GPIOA)
MCPWrite(MCPAdd,GPINTENA,0xFF); // GPINTENA Interrupt all IO on change
MCPWrite(MCPAdd,IOCONA, 0b00000010); // Interrupt pin normally High
MCPWrite(MCPAdd,INTCONA,IntConSet); // Determines which pins are compared to DEVALA
MCPWrite(MCPAdd,DEFVALA,DefvalSet); // Mask for DEFVALA
ClearInt = MCPRead(MCPAdd, INTCAPA); // Reads to clear interrupt
if (IOPort == GPIOB)
MCPWrite(MCPAdd,GPINTENB,0xFF); // GPINTENA Interrupt all IO on change
MCPWrite(MCPAdd,IOCONB, 0b00000010); // Interrupt pin normally High
MCPWrite(MCPAdd,INTCONB,IntConSet); // Determines which pins are compared to DEVALA
MCPWrite(MCPAdd,DEFVALB,DefvalSet); // Mask for DEFVALA
ClearInt = MCPRead(MCPAdd, INTCAPB); // Reads to clear interrupt

// Reads the interrupt flag
// Should be called after every interrupt detected
// 1= input that caused interrupt
// This also resets interrupts
uint8_t MCPReadInterrupt(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort)
if (IOPort == GPIOA)
return MCPRead(MCPAdd, INTCAPA);
if (IOPort == GPIOB)
return MCPRead(MCPAdd, INTCAPB);

//Turns ON all of the outputs of a IOPort
void MCPPortAllOn(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort)
if (IOPort ==GPIOA)
if (IOPort ==GPIOB )

//Turns OFF all of the outputs of a IOPort
void MCPPortAllOff(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort)
if (IOPort ==GPIOA)
if (IOPort ==GPIOB )

// Turns ON the outputs depending on the mask sent
// This does not use the Port-x-State variable
// The selection is from Pin 7 on Left to Pin 0 on right
// So Pin 7 and Pin 1 = 0bx10000010
void MCPPortOutSelection(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort, uint8_t IOMask)
if (IOPort ==GPIOA)
if (IOPort ==GPIOB)

// Read one input from an IOPort
// Output 1 or 0 depends on setting of IOPOLA
boolean MCPReadOneInput(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort, uint8_t IONo)
uint8_t IOState = MCPRead(MCPAdd,IOPort); //Reads state of IO selected
if (bitRead(IOState,IONo)==1)
return true;
return false;

void setup()



void loop()
Serial.print("A = ");
Serial.print("B = ");
}Preformatted text

Go back and read the instructions for this forum and post the code appropriately<>

@gilshultz, looks like OP tried but got it wrong :wink:

type or pa// MCP23017 - General Simple Subroutines
// for initialising, reading, writing to ports
// and setting of interrupts
// Written by : Rod McMahon
// Written    :   26 May 2022
// Thanks to Nick Gammon

#include <Wire.h>

  //MCP23017 General
  uint8_t PortAState;         // Used for setting and storing output states
  uint8_t PortBState;         // Used for setting and storing output states
  // MCP23017 registers (everything except direction defaults to 0)
  // Thanks to Nick Gammon
  #define IODIRA   0x00   // IO direction  (0 = output, 1 = input (Default))
  #define IODIRB   0x01
  #define IOPOLA   0x02   // IO polarity   (0 = normal, 1 = inverse)
  #define IOPOLB   0x03
  #define GPINTENA 0x04   // Interrupt on change (0 = disable, 1 = enable)
  #define GPINTENB 0x05
  #define DEFVALA  0x06   // Default comparison for interrupt on change (interrupts on opposite)
  #define DEFVALB  0x07
  #define INTCONA  0x08   // Interrupt control (0 = interrupt on change from previous, 1 = interrupt on change from DEFVAL)
  #define INTCONB  0x09
  #define IOCONA   0x0A   // IO Configuration: bank/mirror/seqop/disslw/haen/odr/intpol/notimp
  #define IOCONB   0x0B   
  #define GPPUA    0x0C   // Pull-up resistor (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
  #define GPPUB    0x0D
  #define INFTFA   0x0E   // Interrupt flag (read only) : (0 = no interrupt, 1 = pin caused interrupt)
  #define INFTFB   0x0F
  #define INTCAPA  0x10   // Interrupt capture (read only) : value of GPIO at time of last interrupt
  #define INTCAPB  0x11
  #define GPIOA    0x12   // Port value. Write to change, read to obtain value
  #define GPIOB    0x13
  #define OLLATA   0x14   // Output latch. Write to latch output.
  #define OLLATB   0x15

// Writes Data to Register in MCPAdd
void MCPWrite(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t Reg, uint8_t Data)

//Reads data from Register in MCPAdd
uint8_t MCPRead(int MCPAdd, uint8_t Reg)
  Wire.write(Reg);                      //Sets address to Port B
  Wire.requestFrom(MCPAdd,1,true);      //Gets one uint8_t from register, stops request message
  return;                   //Reads in the uint8_t

// Initialises the two IOPorts on MCPAdd
// Ports are labelled "Input" or "Output"
// IOPOLA and GPPUA can be deteted or others added
void MCPInitialize(uint8_t MCPAdd,String IOPortAType,String IOPortBType)
  if(IOPortAType =="Input")
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd, IODIRA,0xFF);     // IODIRA  set all of bank A to Inputs
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd, IOPOLA,0xFF);     // IOPOLA  Invert all Inputs 
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd, GPPUA, 0xFF);     // GPPUA set all of bank A Pull Ups                 
  if(IOPortAType =="Output")
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd, IODIRA,0x00);     // IODIRA  set all of bank A to Outputs
  if(IOPortBType =="Input")
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd, IODIRB,0xFF);     // IODIRB  set all of bank B to Inputs
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd, IOPOLB,0xFF);     // IOPOLB  Invert all Inputs 
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd, GPPUB, 0xFF);     // GPPUB set all of bank B Pull Ups                 
  if(IOPortBType =="Output")
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd, IODIRB,0x00);     // IODIRB  set all of bank B to Outputs

// Sets or clears one output of an IOPort on MCPAdd
// Port_x_State is a global variable so each IO change
// does not loose the other output states 
// Pin Number = 0 to 7
// Value
void MCPSetOutput(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort,uint8_t PinNumber,boolean Value)    
  if (IOPort == GPIOA )
    if (Value = true)
      PortAState = bitSet(PortAState,PinNumber);       // Sets the bit in PortAState
      PortAState = bitClear(PortAState,PinNumber);     // Clears the bit in PortAState

  if (IOPort == GPIOB)
    if (Value = true)
     PortBState = bitSet(PortBState,PinNumber);
     PortBState = bitClear(PortBState,PinNumber);

// Sets interrupt for Change only
// not for reference to DEVAL
// Interrupt pin set normally High
// Uses the default that INTCON register is 0x00
void MCPSetIntChange(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort)
  uint8_t ClearInt;
  if (IOPort == GPIOA)
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd,GPINTENA,0xFF);         // GPINTENA Interrupt all IO on change
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd,IOCONA, 0b00000010);    // Interrupt pin normally High
    ClearInt =  MCPRead(MCPAdd, INTCAPA);   // Reads to clear interrupt
  if (IOPort == GPIOB)
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd,GPINTENB,0xFF);        // GPINTENB Interrupt all IO on change
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd,IOCONB, 0b00000010);   // Interrupt pin normally High
    ClearInt =  MCPRead(MCPAdd, INTCAPB);  // Reads to clear interrupt

// Sets interrupt for difference to DEVAL
// Interrupt pin set normally High
// IntConState determines which pin is compared to the values in DEFVAL
// DefvalState defines the state that the pin is compared against
// GPINTEN can be masked so only some pins change on interrupt
void MCPSetIntDefvalChange(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort, uint8_t IntConSet, uint8_t DefvalSet)
  uint8_t ClearInt;
  if (IOPort == GPIOA)
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd,GPINTENA,0xFF);         // GPINTENA Interrupt all IO on change
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd,IOCONA, 0b00000010);    // Interrupt pin normally High
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd,INTCONA,IntConSet);   // Determines which pins are compared to DEVALA
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd,DEFVALA,DefvalSet);   // Mask  for DEFVALA
    ClearInt =  MCPRead(MCPAdd, INTCAPA);   // Reads to clear interrupt
  if (IOPort == GPIOB)
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd,GPINTENB,0xFF);         // GPINTENA Interrupt all IO on change
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd,IOCONB, 0b00000010);    // Interrupt pin normally High
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd,INTCONB,IntConSet);   // Determines which pins are compared to DEVALA
    MCPWrite(MCPAdd,DEFVALB,DefvalSet);   // Mask  for DEFVALA
    ClearInt =  MCPRead(MCPAdd, INTCAPB);   // Reads to clear interrupt

// Reads the interrupt flag 
// Should be called after every interrupt detected
// 1= input that caused interrupt
// This also resets interrupts
uint8_t MCPReadInterrupt(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort)
  if (IOPort == GPIOA)
    return MCPRead(MCPAdd, INTCAPA);
  if (IOPort == GPIOB)
    return MCPRead(MCPAdd, INTCAPB);

//Turns ON all of the outputs of a IOPort
void MCPPortAllOn(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort)
  if (IOPort ==GPIOA)
  if (IOPort ==GPIOB )

//Turns OFF all of the outputs of a IOPort
void MCPPortAllOff(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort)
  if (IOPort ==GPIOA)
  if (IOPort ==GPIOB )

// Turns ON the outputs depending on the mask sent
// This does not use the Port-x-State variable
// The selection is from Pin 7 on Left to Pin 0 on right
// So Pin 7 and Pin 1 = 0bx10000010 
void MCPPortOutSelection(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort, uint8_t IOMask)
  if (IOPort ==GPIOA)
  if (IOPort ==GPIOB)

// Read one input from an IOPort 
// Output 1 or 0 depends on setting of IOPOLA
boolean MCPReadOneInput(uint8_t MCPAdd,uint8_t IOPort, uint8_t IONo)
    uint8_t IOState = MCPRead(MCPAdd,IOPort);     //Reads state of IO selected
    if (bitRead(IOState,IONo)==1)              
      return true;
     return false;  

void setup() 


void loop() 
Serial.print("A =  ");
Serial.print("B =  ");

All better now?

Yes :wink: Except for the "type or pa" but we can live with that :slight_smile:

The interrupt pins do not have to trigger an interrupt on the Arduino. I normally connect them to a digital input and poll them to see if I need to read the full contents of the chip.

I am not sure what you mean by "suitable connector", you just connect them with wires like any other of the pins you are testing.

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