I am fairly new to Arduino coding and trying to make a piece of code work to adjust the voltage of my project power supply, using CAN BUS.
The code has been used by a lot of people over the years and confirmed working however I am getting an error message when I try and verify the code in the Arduino IDE.
I am using a Hobby Tronics Leonardo CAN BUS board - Leonardo CAN BUS board
I have downloaded MCP_CAN.h files and looked for this error code previously on the forum however I am still not able to solve my problem. Please see my included code.
The error code I am receiving is - "No matching function for call to "MCP_CAN::begin(int)"
Am I missing something glaringly obvious?
#include <mcp_can.h>
#include <mcp_can_dfs.h>
#include <SPI.h>
const int SPI_CS_PIN = 10; // Set CS pin to pin 10 (could be 9 for other CANshields)
MCP_CAN CAN(SPI_CS_PIN); // Set CS pin for CANBUS shield
void setup() // Initialisation routine
if(CAN_OK == CAN.begin(CAN_125KBPS)) // init can bus : baudrate = 125k !!
unsigned char login[8] = {0x14, 0x14, 0x71, 0x11, 0x08, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00}; //this is the serial number of the unit + 2 added bytes of 00 each, sernr on the unit reads 141471110820)
CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x05004804, 1, 8, login); //send message to log in and assign ID=1 (last 04 means ID=1, for ID=2 use 05004808 )
unsigned char setdefaultvolt[5] = {0x29, 0x15, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x12}; //this is the command for setting the default output voltage (Last two bytes, LSB first). 16 80 is the maximum voltage of 57.6 V
CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x05019C00, 1, 5, setdefaultvolt); //send message to set ouput voltage to all chargers connected to the CAN-bus
void loop() // main program (LOOP)
{ // nothing to do :)
Voltage settings
80 16 => 1680 HEX = 57,60 Volt (= highest possible voltage
E6 14 => 14E6 HEX = 53,50 Volt (= factory set voltage)
FE 10 => 10FE HEX = 43,50 Volt (= lowest possible voltage)
C0 12 => 12C0 HEX = 48,00 Volt (= optimum voltage)