Versione italiana qui
I bought a 2.4” TFT LCD shield on ebay
The characteristics declared are
· 4-wire resistive touchscreen
· spfd5408 controller with built in video RAM buffer
· 8 bit digital interface, plus 4 control lines
It is marked [u][/u]. It is a shield and all communications are done using 4+8 pins.
As you can see there is an ILI after the name of the shield and there is a “9325” printed with a timbre.
[u][/u] is down.
Using I found the download page but unfortunately the library
[uno242628.rar](http://"http://"http://"http://"http://" uno242628.rar""""")
was not archived.
Then I went here
downloaded the LCD_ID_Reader Version 1.2 sketch and run it on Arduino UNO R3.
I got ILI9325 as ID and a red screen so the Justin drivers should works. It seems that spfd5408B is compatible with ILI9325 but I don’t know if they have the same ID.
Downloaded and tested Justin libraries they work with the exception of the bitmap example: i get wrong colours.
Original Adafruit library identify the chipset as ILI9325 but doesn’t work, only a blank screen.
Then I downloaded the driver modified by buhosoft
They works but it seems that there is an error since the same sketch use the double of flash than using the Adafruit library. The bmp example doesn’t fit on a UNO.
I removed all unused code and I got the same flash bytes occupation. Doing a comparison between libraries I found that it seems that the only difference is in the ccp file in the reset routine.
*******************ORIGINAL ADAFRUIT******************
digitalWrite(5, LOW);
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
if(_reset) {
digitalWrite(_reset, LOW);
digitalWrite(_reset, HIGH);
digitalWrite(_reset, HIGH);
digitalWrite(_reset, LOW);
digitalWrite(_reset, HIGH);
*****************MODIFIED BUHOSOFT*******************
digitalWrite(5, LOW);
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
if (_reset) {
digitalWrite(_reset, LOW);
digitalWrite(_reset, HIGH);
Edit: I made the change in the Adafruit library and it works.
I still have the same problem wit bitmaps.
Next library tested was the one by Smoke and Wires.
This library works but I still have the same problem with bitmaps.
Next library tested was the samuraijap’s one
It works with errors, it seems a memory location error since I get only partially coloured screen. All drawing are in the wrong position.
Next library tested was the one by ruelj2
It works but there is a noise that appears as blank lines in the screen during communications. Same wrong colours in bitmaps.
Next library tested was the one by goltermc
It works.
Library made by David Prentice
Tested only graphictest_kbv ant it work!!!
Doesn’t work:
Library by andreword
blank screen
Library by JoaoLopesF for SPFD5408 (need to change #include "pin_magic.h" into #include "pin_magic_UNO.h" in SPFD5408_Adafruit_TFTLCD.cpp to compile) EDIT:Joao fixed the error!
blank screen
Library by acharis
blank screen
Old library from SeedStudio where in tft.h is written (don’t know were I got it)
SPFD5408A or ST7781R TFT Library
blank screen so SPFD5408A should be different from SPFD5408B
The new one is here
but the .h file says that is only for ST7781R.
I din’t test UTFT library since it use different pins for 8bit communications and it seems that can't be changed.
Most libraries need a const added just before
static unsigned char font[] PROGMEM = {
in file glcdfont.c instead you get an error in IDE 1.6.5
In most bitmap examples you must add
#include <SPI.h>
for the same reason.