Could someone please help me with code that will turn off the MAX72xx display?
I am able to get it to turn using "P.displayAnimate ()" in an if statement but don't know the code to turn it off.
Thank you,
Could someone please help me with code that will turn off the MAX72xx display?
I am able to get it to turn using "P.displayAnimate ()" in an if statement but don't know the code to turn it off.
Thank you,
This library has a control method (see here):
bool control (uint8_t dev, controlRequest_t mode, int value)
The SHUTDOWN mode can be set to ON or OFF (1 or 0), so maybe you can try:
P.control(device, SHUTDOWN, ON);
where device is the number of you matrix (getDeviceCount() provides the number of matrices).
I never tried this myself...
Please don't double post. Your question was already answered in the other place.
Hi Marco_C,
I did not intend to doube-post. I tried but could not find my original post or the response. I expected to see it when I pressed "Unread Posts" but it did not seam to be there. Is there some other way to be able to go back directly to your own posts?
You can view all your posts from your profile, edit forum settings and then the lik under your avatar on the left or the profile info menu options.