MDParola Library editing .h file


I am trying to follow a youtube video of how to edit the MDMax72xx.h file for my hardware so that i can try some MDParola examples, the file in the video looks nothing like mine and is slightly confusing as he is using an editor without line numbers, i will post a picture of my file which shows hardware types but none of them are commented out, any help appreciated...


Why did you attach a picture of text rather than the text itself ?

Hi, would the code help ?

Hi, here is the code i see:

* USE_LOCAL_FONT is set to 1.
   * \return pointer to the start of the font table in PROGMEM.
  fontType_t *getFont(void) { return(_fontData); };
#endif // USE_LOCAL_FONT
  /** @} */

  typedef struct
  uint8_t dig[ROW_SIZE];  // data for each digit of the MAX72xx (DIG0-DIG7)
  uint8_t changed;        // one bit for each digit changed ('dirty bit')
  } deviceInfo_t;

  // LED module wiring parameters defined by hardware type
  moduleType_t _mod;  // The module type from the available list
  bool _hwDigRows;    // MAX72xx digits are mapped to rows in on the matrix
  bool _hwRevCols;    // Normal orientation is col 0 on the right. Set to true if reversed
  bool _hwRevRows;    // Normal orientation is row 0 at the top. Set to true if reversed

  // SPI interface data
  uint8_t _dataPin;     // DATA is shifted out of this pin ...
  uint8_t _clkPin;      // ... signaled by a CLOCK on this pin ...
  uint8_t _csPin;       // ... and LOADed when the chip select pin is driven HIGH to LOW
  bool    _hardwareSPI; // true if SPI interface is the hardware interface


As of Parola version 3 you no longer need to edit the library files. The hardware is specified in the sketch.

Please read the library documentation and look at the existing examples.

Hey Marco,

Thanks for your reply, Great software, i guess the youtube video tutorial is out of date.
