Meaning of "HC" in HC-05 Bluetooth module

Hii Everyone,

Can any one please tell me what is meaning of "HC" in the name of bluetooth module HC-05 ?

Similarly what is the meaning of "HC" in the name of ultrasonic sensor "HC-SR04" ?

What does it matter?? the devices do what they do!! what ever you call it.



Hii Everyone,

Can any one please tell me what is meaning of "HC" in the name of bluetooth module HC-05 ?

Similarly what is the meaning of "HC" in the name of ultrasonic sensor "HC-SR04" ?

If you can't find the origins under google search, then you probably need to ask the manufacturer, since there are many electronics chips/modules etc that have a alphabetic pre-fix followed by a code number. While you're at it, you might as well also ask them what the '05' stands for.