measure pulse width using : pin change interrupt & millis()

Hello, i am trying to measure multiple PWM from a receiver. After a bit of searching i find that i can use the pin change interrupt so as to find the begin and end of my pulse and measure the time duration using micros().

So i made a test code using a button and millis() so as to measure a slower pulse and see if this
method could work.

volatile unsigned long t_b;
volatile unsigned long result;

void int_Setup(){

  PCICR = PCICR | (1<<PCIE0); //enable interrupt 0 -> for port b
  PCMSK0 = PCMSK0 | (1<<PCINT1);  //unmask interrupt pin 9

    result = millis()-t_b;
    t_b = millis();

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(9,INPUT); //9 as input
  digitalWrite(9,HIGH); //enable pull-ups

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

The code works fine most of the time but randomly fails!
it gives pulses of 1-5 millisecond duration which is impossible to achieve with a pushbutton.

I am probably missing something.
Below i have a printscreen photo of my serial monitor the time it fails

if you have any suggestions pls let me know


The code works fine most of the time but randomly fails!
it gives pulses of 1-5 millisecond duration which is impossible to achieve with a pushbutton.

You're probably measuring the switch bouncing - the noisy fraction of a second that happens when a switch makes or breaks contact.

thanks for fast reply.

So if i understand right the code is ok but the method to test it with a switch gives
random spikes which i measure while making or breaking contact.

I think so, yeah. The sketch could probably be improved but I the overall logic is OK as far as I can see.

If you needed more accuracy you should think about:

  1. using micros() instead of millis()
  2. Reading the pin registers directly

It depends on the frequency of the PWM signal you're interested in really.