Hello All,
I'm attempting measure the pitch angle of a golf putter at the moment the club strikes the golf ball (deaccelerates). I know how to mesure the pitch, but since the club experiences two separate deacclerations when you putt ( once at end of back-stroke and another at contact) I'm not sure how to do this.
Any help would be appreciated.
Code :
// The SFE_LSM9DS1 library requires both Wire and SPI be
// included BEFORE including the 9DS1 library.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SparkFunLSM9DS1.h>
// LSM9DS1 Library Init //
// Use the LSM9DS1 class to create an object. [imu] can be
// named anything, we'll refer to that throught the sketch.
LSM9DS1 imu;
// Example I2C Setup //
// SDO_XM and SDO_G are both pulled high, so our addresses are:
#define LSM9DS1_M 0x1E // Would be 0x1C if SDO_M is LOW
#define LSM9DS1_AG 0x6B // Would be 0x6A if SDO_AG is LOW
// Sketch Output Settings //
//#define PRINT_RAW
#define PRINT_SPEED 250 // 250 ms between prints
// Earth's magnetic field varies by location. Add or subtract
// a declination to get a more accurate heading. Calculate
// your's here:
// http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag-web/#declination
#define DECLINATION -4.38 // Declination (degrees) in Indianapolis, IN.
void printAttitude(
float ax, float ay, float az, float mx, float my, float mz);
float roll = 0;
float pitch=0;
float heading=0;
void setup()
// Before initializing the IMU, there are a few settings
// we may need to adjust. Use the settings struct to set
// the device's communication mode and addresses:
imu.settings.device.commInterface = IMU_MODE_I2C;
imu.settings.device.mAddress = LSM9DS1_M;
imu.settings.device.agAddress = LSM9DS1_AG;
// The above lines will only take effect AFTER calling
// imu.begin(), which verifies communication with the IMU
// and turns it on.
if (!imu.begin())
Serial.println("Failed to communicate with LSM9DS1.");
Serial.println("Double-check wiring.");
Serial.println("Default settings in this sketch will " \
"work for an out of the box LSM9DS1 " \
"Breakout, but may need to be modified " \
"if the board jumpers are.");
while (1)
void loop()
printGyro(); // Print "G: gx, gy, gz"
printAccel(); // Print "A: ax, ay, az"
printMag(); // Print "M: mx, my, mz"
// Print the heading and orientation for fun!
// Call print attitude. The LSM9DS1's magnetometer x and y
// axes are opposite to the accelerometer, so my and mx are
// substituted for each other.
printAttitude(imu.ax, imu.ay, imu.az, -imu.my, -imu.mx, imu.mz);
void printGyro()
// To read from the gyroscope, you must first call the
// readGyro() function. When this exits, it'll update the
// gx, gy, and gz variables with the most current data.
// Now we can use the gx, gy, and gz variables as we please.
// Either print them as raw ADC values, or calculated in DPS.
Serial.print("G: ");
// If you want to print calculated values, you can use the
// calcGyro helper function to convert a raw ADC value to
// DPS. Give the function the value that you want to convert.
Serial.print(imu.calcGyro(imu.gx), 2);
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(imu.calcGyro(imu.gy), 2);
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(imu.calcGyro(imu.gz), 2);
Serial.println(" deg/s");
#elif defined PRINT_RAW
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(", ");
void printAccel()
// To read from the accelerometer, you must first call the
// readAccel() function. When this exits, it'll update the
// ax, ay, and az variables with the most current data.
// Now we can use the ax, ay, and az variables as we please.
// Either print them as raw ADC values, or calculated in g's.
Serial.print("A: ");
// If you want to print calculated values, you can use the
// calcAccel helper function to convert a raw ADC value to
// g's. Give the function the value that you want to convert.
Serial.print(imu.calcAccel(imu.ax), 2);
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(imu.calcAccel(imu.ay), 2);
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(imu.calcAccel(imu.az), 2);
Serial.println(" g");
#elif defined PRINT_RAW
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(", ");
void printMag()
// To read from the magnetometer, you must first call the
// readMag() function. When this exits, it'll update the
// mx, my, and mz variables with the most current data.
// Now we can use the mx, my, and mz variables as we please.
// Either print them as raw ADC values, or calculated in Gauss.
Serial.print("M: ");
// If you want to print calculated values, you can use the
// calcMag helper function to convert a raw ADC value to
// Gauss. Give the function the value that you want to convert.
Serial.print(imu.calcMag(imu.mx), 2);
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(imu.calcMag(imu.my), 2);
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(imu.calcMag(imu.mz), 2);
Serial.println(" gauss");
#elif defined PRINT_RAW
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(", ");
// Calculate pitch, roll, and heading.
// Pitch/roll calculations take from this app note:
// http://cache.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/app_note/AN3461.pdf?fpsp=1
// Heading calculations taken from this app note:
// http://www51.honeywell.com/aero/common/documents/myaerospacecatalog-documents/Defense_Brochures-documents/Magnetic__Literature_Application_notes-documents/AN203_Compass_Heading_Using_Magnetometers.pdf
void printAttitude(
float ax, float ay, float az, float mx, float my, float mz)
float roll = atan2(ay, az);
float pitch = atan2(-ax, sqrt(ay * ay + az * az));
float heading;
if (my == 0)
heading = (mx < 0) ? 180.0 : 0;
heading = atan2(mx, my);
heading -= DECLINATION * PI / 180;
if (heading > PI) heading -= (2 * PI);
else if (heading < -PI) heading += (2 * PI);
else if (heading < 0) heading += 2 * PI;
// Convert everything from radians to degrees:
heading *= 180.0 / PI;
pitch *= 180.0 / PI;
roll *= 180.0 / PI;
Serial.print("Pitch, Roll: ");
Serial.print(pitch, 2);
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.println(roll, 2);
Serial.print("Heading: "); Serial.println(heading, 2);
int noteDuration = 1000;
int speakerPin=6;
if ( pitch > 8)
tone(speakerPin, 1000, noteDuration);
else if ( pitch < -8)
tone(speakerPin, 500, noteDuration);
else if ( pitch < 8 && pitch > -8)