How can I measure the time between when a button was pressed and when it was released? I have all the code working for button pressing etc., but I want a certain action when the button is held for 3 seconds.
How can I measure the time between when a button was pressed and when it was released? I have all the code working for button pressing etc., but I want a certain action when the button is held for 3 seconds.
When the button goes HIGH/LOW record what millis() is.
When the button goes LOW/HIGH record what millis() is.
Then take the difference between the two recorded values.
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So . . . . the button is going to have to be pressed for precisely 3 seconds? Like, 3.000 seconds precise?
unsigned long buttonPressedAt = 0;
const int BUTTON = 3;
bool buttonReleased = false;
byte buttonPrevState = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
int state = digitalRead(BUTTON);
if (state != buttonPrevState) {
if (state == HIGH) {
buttonReleased = false;
buttonPressedAt = millis();
else {
buttonReleased = true;
if (buttonReleased == true) {
buttonPressedAt = 0;
void after3Sec() {
long diff = millis()-buttonPressedAt;
if (diff>3000) {
//do action for 3 sec button press
Not tested, modified the code for your requirement.
Wrote this for another post, check this post cant solve this one out! - #11 by sarouje - Programming Questions - Arduino Forum
Like, 3.000 seconds precise?
correction, 3000 milli sec