again I found a curious effect during testing with SoftwareSerial on an ATtiny84.
I wanted to check processing time of divisions with 16bit and 32bit values with following sketch:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(5, 6); // RX, TX
uint32_t baudrt, t0, t1;
uint16_t lcnt = 0;
uint8_t val8;
uint16_t val16, val16_z;
uint32_t val32, val32_z;
int32_t valm32;
int16_t valm16;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
baudrt = 38400;
val16 = 2233;
val32 = 1234567890;
t0 = micros();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
val16_z = val16 / 10;
t1 = micros();
mySerial.print("16bit Division, 10000 mal, dauern ");
mySerial.println(t1 - t0);
t0 = micros();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
val32_z = val32 / 10;
t1 = micros();
mySerial.print("32bit Division, 10000 mal, dauern ");
mySerial.println(t1 - t0);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
The increments within the loops were intended to avoid optimizations of the compiler to reduce processing times.
I’d be more interested in the effects of running Ss at anything over 9600 (or maybe 19200 at a pinch).
SS is software-bound to meet the timing requirements, so the combined effect is on both the program and serial comms.
SS is a convenient workaround for small processors, the ONLY solution to reliable code and comms in this case is a second hardware UART, or a tightly written software serial module on a much faster cpu.
Since the contents of the loop has no side effects, the loop was optimized away. Making some of the variables 'volatile' eliminates much of the optimization and get a more realistic result:
As mentioned in your other thread concerning the abs() function, with the ATTiny core a default Software Serial is already built so you don't need to include the "standard" one unless you have special pin requirements.
The pins are fixed at TX: PA1 and RX: PA2. The actual Arduino pin numbers depend on which build option (clockwise/anti-clockwise) you select.
The optimizations within the compiler are really very smart when it can detect that the loop has no side effects.
Thank you, the tip with "volatile" is helpfull and I will use it in future.
Yes I have special pin requirements. Therefore I selected SoftwareSerial in a first step. But now I am working on a further serial link because SoftwareSerial occupies timer 1 which I need in my application.