This is a problem found when I've tried uploading any simple sketch to this board and return nothing and without RX\TX light blinking. It is just keep uploading in unlimited loop only since I'd failed in loop back test.
I'm working with windows 7 64-bit. This board is about Rev3 type with chip 16au.
kindly appreciate any suggestive help and opinion from senior forum er and experts. Thanks.
No but I appreciate you can teach me how to do it^^. my board is dead now since i have wrongly do something plugging on 5v slot but it still working on ON light with L light presents.
the 2560 R3 utilizes a 16u2 not a 16au and unfortunately this is the third thread indicating similar issues. It would seem that Arduino may have made a bad combination here. Any way, I will post anything I discover in hopes of resolving this issue for all of us.
is hope anyone experienced on this kind of issues where mega ADK rv3 not responding to TX & RX light blinking while upload sketch? Can share out any suggestion of solution? I'm working hard to need whether try to burn again bootloader on this board, is it better or not?
is hope anyone experienced on this kind of issues where mega ADK rv3 not responding to TX & RX light blinking while upload sketch? Can share out any suggestion of solution? I'm working hard to need whether try to burn again bootloader on this board, is it better or not?
Can you open the Com port in another app like Putty?
I have a total of 3 Mega 2560 R3 boards. The first one works as it is supposed to.
The second board does not show up when I connect it to a computer. I have tried it one three different PCs and usb cablescables. I used Win 7 64, 32. The computer does not even show the "New Device Found" notification.
The third board shows up good, the COM port is assigned but I am unable to program it. When ever I try to upload a sketch, the IDE just gets stuck. On the board I have observed that the moment the IDE gets stuck the RX, TX LEDs stop blinking and it stays like that.
Any ideas how to trouble shoot either one of the problems ???
EDIT: I have tried the loopback test and both failed. :~ =(
Since you have 3 boards. You know the issue is in the board itself. The 2 and 3 probably had a bad firmware on the 8u2 or 16u2 or they are just broken. It seems 2560 is having more problems than other older boards in this areas.
I've done through the process to upload a new bootloader by using AVR studio 6 + avrisp2 (known as avr isp mkII), but it return no respond to Rx and Tx light to flash when my sample sketch upload on it until no end stop in process uploading.
but I still tried using my another fine Duecimilia board by erase and test it before I test it again by upload same atmega328P type bootloader and to verify it, then is working back to able upload with sketch.
I confirmed that aVR studio 6 + avrisp2 is fine to be able to upload firmware\bootloader into arduino any board flash memory.
I turn out to locate my hex files and proceed to device programming by include .hex (once compile it under arduino IDE it will then appear under C:\users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp begins with buildxxx folder inside) and copy .hex file to easy to find location before programming by using avrisp mkII to 6 pin isp cable in flash programming.
It worked out in charmed after I tried to upload an easy sketch and test it.
BTW anyone got solution to solved usb chip problems on this pages because mega adk or mega 2560 is common to have usb chips faulty problems.