mega 2560 no com port?

I have to say working with theres units is very frustrating. I have a mega 2560 that can not find a com port......

oh yes, I just discovered this, in the sketch window of your program, I had to select TOOLS and PORT and select COM3, then I got a different error.

I dont have the option to select a port....uurrgghhh

Does your computer make the beep-boop sound when the card is plugged in? Does Device Manager show the card? Do you have the correct driver for the USB/Serial chip?

Seems ive tried every driver I found and still does not work. It shows up in device manager as ATMega16u2 but no com port associated....

The computer sees the board but will not install the driver. What driver do I need??? I feel like I've installed everything known to man and still nothing. And when I try to point to the .inf it tells me not supported 64bit

So I made small progress, it sees the com port but has a excalmation point...when I change to the 2560 driver it says this device cannot start (code10)