Mega 2560 Pro Mini Embedded and TFT 3.2 "ILI9341 SPI

Good morning everyone.

Let's see if you can help me with this question, because I have already searched, and searched, and read, and tried, and everything, and ....... nothing!

The case:

I started developing my project on an arduino Uno R3, and an ILI9341 3.2 "tft screen with logical converters from 5v to 3.3v ...... and I was short on memory, but mostly on pins.

so I bought a new more powerful arduino that was also compact, and I opted for this:

ARCELI Mega 2560 Pro Mini Embedded, MCU ATmega2560, USB CH340G Electronics

PinOut: (Redirect Notice = images & cd = vfe & ved = 0CAkQjhxqFwoTCID8xqOZo-oCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD)

The thing is that now I can't get the screen to work (it goes blank) and I don't know if it is that I either don't know how to connect it, or I don't use the appropriate library (I must have tried about 8 different ones).

With the arduino Uno everything went well and worked perfectly with the Adafruit library.

Currently I have it connected to the following pins:
MOSI - 51
SCK - 52
MISO - 50
DC - 8
CS - 10

Any ideas or guidance.

Thank you.

PS: Sometimes with some example of a library, when uploading it to the Arduino, the computer restarts itself. With other libraries this does not happen. Have these things happened to you?