Mega 2560 trouble

I recently got a Arduino mega 2560. When I plug it into my computer it says new found hardware so on and so forth. Any way it tries to install the driver, can't... I'm not sure what to do. I do have 2 UNOs that work just fine on the same computer.

Have same problem.........hope we both find help.........soon. :fearful:

I believe I have solved our problem. I am running it on a 2002(ish) computer running windows xp(pretty sure). I plugged the mega in, when it did the whole install driver thing... Selected the folder Arduino0022 then drivers folder. Do not select the sub-folder FTDI drivers, only the drivers folder and click the next/install button.

I am not sure it will work but it did for me... So good luck!

The drivers for both the Uno as well as the Mega are in the drivers folder within the arduino-002x folder.

For me to get it to work on WinXP, I had to say "not this time" on Windows' driver searching, then on the next screen say "Don't search, I'll choose the driver to install". Then you choose the Driver directory as mentioned above.