Sorry if this questuion has been asked. I did a search on the Mega adk on the forum and didn't find this question.
Should i purchase the mega adk or just build one. I am just beginning my "adventure" with arduino and i guess i haven't read enough as of yet, but excitment got the best of me so I thought i would ask.
I am planning on creating small gagets just to learn and mess around with until i get some more knowledge and skills under my belt before attempting anything huge. But i would like to use my Android tablet to control, function the gadgets/devices.
Must i have a Mega ADK? I could just make one. If i homebrewed one up, I can just load the firmware on it? I am rather confused.
Again I will state all of my projects will just be for fun, nothing huge and nothing i plan on marketing in the future.
Mega ADK isn't necessary. Just need to have a board with a USB host and must supply 500mA @ 5V. I watched the Google I/O 2011: Android Open Accessory API and Development Kit (ADK) video and this helped with clarification.
I will be making my own board instead of purchasing one. I could use an Arduino Mega 2560 with a compatible USB host sheild, but then There would have to be some code changes (i have seen a project, the person provided a tut and the files, but after every ADK update this would have to be redone due palcement differences between both boards the Arduino Mega 2560 and the Mega ADK).
Installing firmware rather simple
To install the firmware to the ADK board (Offical or homemade):
1.Connect the ADK board to your computer using the micro-USB port, which allows two-way communication and provides power to the ADK board.
2.Launch Arduino.
3.Click Tools > Board > Arduino Mega 2560 to specify the ADK board's type.
4.Select the appropriate USB port:
?On Windows: click Tools > Serial Port > COM# to specify the port of communication. The COM port number varies depending on your computer. COM1 is usually reserved for serial port connections. You most likely want COM2 or COM3.
?On Mac: Click Tools > Serial Port > dev/tty.usbserial-### to specify the port of communication.
?On Linux (Ubuntu): Click Tools > Serial Port > dev/ttyUSB# to specify the port of communication.
5.To open the firmware code (a sketch), click File > Open and select firmware/demokit/demokit.pde.
6.Click Sketch > Compile/Verify to ensure that the sketch has no errors.
7.Select File > Upload to I/O Board. When Arduino outputs Done uploading., the board is ready to communicate with your Android-powered device.