MEGA: Control 48 digital pins via USB or LAN

Hi all,

I need a hardware kit to control 48 digital pins by USB or LAN.

My current approach is to use a Arduino MEGA and 48 of its digital pins. Is it possible to control the pins by usb connection?

Alternatively, I would like to use the Ethernet shield, but I am worried if there are 48 digital pins left with the Ethernet shield. I don't neet sd card support. Telnet would be great :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot in advance,

You can have a Mega respond to characters sent over USB. See the FIRMATA PAGE

Is it possible to control the pins by usb connection?

Yes it is just a serial port. Virtually all languages that you write code on a laptop will be able to send messages. While you can use Firmatta you don't have to. Look at the example programs in the IDE for examples of how to read the serial data port on the Arduino and do things with the results.