hi everyone,
I'm trying to understand the (official) schematic for the MEGA 2560. I am fairly happy with my understanding of most of it but I'm just wondering one thing. Looking at the crystal oscillators I can see that the microcontrollers (2560 and 16u2) have their own seperated clock sources. one labelled Y1 (for the 2560) and the other labelled Y2 (for the 16u2) but then in the top right hand corner of the schematic there is another two crystals (labelled Q1 and Q2) which happen to be on the same nets as the two attached to the chips.
I'm wondering; are these the same crystals as the ones shown attached to the clock pins of the two chips? and if so why have they been shown a second time? or are they something completely different?
yes it's strange. ONly reason I can think of is to allow for more room to display the values for both the capacitors and for the crystal frequencies. But i dont see why they couldn't have just made made a bit of room in the parts of the schematic next to the chips for these