I have a problem with my mega1280, and ethernet shield.
I just tried out the webserver program. The problem is, that i got value 1023 on all AD pins in the web browser.
The weired stuff is that this pins are open. It should jumping in values, but they are hold.
analog input 0 is 1023
analog input 1 is 1023
analog input 2 is 1023
analog input 3 is 1023
analog input 4 is 1023
analog input 5 is 1023
The communication is working good i think, becouse when i connected on web browser, the Arduino ISE send it to me:
new client
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8
Accept-Language: hu-hu,hu;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Everything looks good. The LEDs, etc. But still, i cant change the AD values. I put GND 3.3V 5V into theese pins, but still 1023
Its the basic webserver code, what i found in the arduino 1.0.1
I only changed the IP address for my network.
Which means that reading them is silly. So, don't do that. Or, don't form ANY expectations about what the values should be.
I know that. It must read silly values out, but there are only 1023 values on every single AD pin.
I put GND 3.3V, 5V into theese pins, but still 1023
How i told, i tested it, with theese voltages, and still 1023 in the web browser.
Today i tried a new code, with theese pins. They are work fine as digital I/O, without any ethernet shield, or other stuff.
Thanks for all who try to help me! By the way, sorry for my bad english.
Yea. I know when the PIN is open i can read every single values out from ADs. But, how i wrote:
I put GND 3.3V, 5V into theese pins, but still 1023
No matter what did i put into each PINs, the values are always 1023. The browser refreshing it automaticly, but i tried with F5 and still 1023.
Now i think it should be somekind of hardware glitch. Maybe somekind of electronic noise on ISP pins, or in SS?
The ethernet shield is a brand new one, from Farnell. No damage on it, or something else.
Im running out of possible ideas, but i really want to make it work.
I found the problem!
The 100nF capacitor on the arduino board was broken. There are solder under the capacitor, or i dont know but there was direct GND on AREF pin. I changed the capacitor into a brand new one, and now working fine!