I have written a program to use with my irrigating system at home. At a point it hangs when i try to upload it. Even after I brought it back to a point where it worked in past. Tried on a win 7 64bit, win7 32 bit and an XP..... A Fundruino Mega from a friend does the same, his Uno uploads the program and works fine. When he loads the hex in a Proteus simulation it works fine with de 2560 chip.
Other programs and the ECHO test works fine. Have the latest USB driver. Hangs on arduino 1.0.5 , 1.5.5 and AVR studio
Indeed I had "!!! Alarm !!!" as message for on a LCD, after I make it " Alarm message!" the uploads works fine!!! So much thanks for it. I was scratching my head 3 weeks for it, a other program was only missing this message and other variables names and worked fine the hole time.
Great you found it so quikly in a text reader i gues!!!