Hello, i'm new to Arduino... I've purchased a Mega2560 board and the MotorShield.
I need to add 4 interrupt input (PIN 2,3,18,19), so I've a proto shield for mega, but there aren't SCL/SDA pinout on the proto shield. Can I mount the proto over the mega and the motor shield on top of them? It's correct, also if it doesn't have some the SCL/SDA pin? I want to use the proto shield to connect my input to pins.
Before buying have you checked with the vendor that whether the shield is compatible with Mega or not , 90% of the Arudino shields out there are compatible with UNO there are many which are not compatible with MEGA.
Thanks for the reply, I've checked the proto shield is for the MEGA, i'll mount this on top of MEGA and Motor Shield, using a strip to connect input to relative pins located bottom..