

Sorry for the bad English, hope you understand what I'm after.

I've been searching the site for a kit that memorizes.

Lets say you got 12 different buttons and 3 tactical buttons, when I push First Tactical for, lets say 3 sec. it goes into "learning" mode, and now I make a combination of pushes on the 12 buttons, when done press the tactical again and now the combination is stored.

And repeat with the remaining two tactical.

Now I got 3 Tactical with different press Combo's.

When I'm in need of combo N#1 I just press the Tactical N#1 and it does the combo I've saved before.

And so one if I'm in need of saved Combo's on N#2 and N#3.

There should be a LED that tells me when I'm in "write" mode.

Hope its not to confusing to understand, Its for my disabled little brother and are gonna be a great help for him and us.

I will go in to further details if anybody has an idea on how to realize the setup

He plays PS3, and sometimes he plays some games that requires some difficult combinations of button press. This requires that we help him a lot cause he loves hes video games. So I wanted to implant some extra buttons on the back, and learn them a combo, so every time he presses one of the tacs, it preforms the combo we taught it. But it should be acceptable to learning new combos when we press down a tac for 3 sec. or more cause the HUGE selection of games he plays.

So I need to Press a homemade button on the back soldered to a chip thats connected to the 12 original buttons on the ps3 controller.

So if I press the tactical button for x sec., it goes into learning mode, then I press, "red, red, green, blue, red etc." and press it again to "close learning" mode.

Then press the tactical button once, and it does what it's been programmed to.

Tnx in advance

Best Regards
Henrik Andersen

You could invest in a cheap LCD which would allow menus.
Search the forums for PS3, PS2 controller support ( it is out there somewhere ).

When you can get the controller talking to the Arduino you can learn how the controller works. Then you can set up the Arduino to talk to the console.

If you can get your hands on a spare controller, you could take it apart and have the Arduino control the actual buttons. This may be easier than trying to get the Arduino to interface the console directly. ( i think this is what you want ).

Check out the button libraries, maybe use a pezio buzzer to sound modes if you don't have an LCD.
There should be ample information in the playground ( link up top left )

If he is able to use his feet, maybe a set of foot pedals or keyboard style interface may be an idea. I would imagine it would be difficult to get a suitable key interface on the back of the controller ( or do you only intend to have the Tactical buttons there? )

@OP I think the correct translation would be "tactile", not "tactical".
(unless someone also sell strategic buttons)

First off, tnx for the quick reply and the answers that O got, And tnx for the correction

After searching the web for 9 hours after "ps3 controller macro" and finding zip, nothing, nada,
Well just found out that it is done for Xbox360
Its pretty much what I need, but just for the wrong console.

Well not that fancy with the program and all, Thats gotta be WAY difficult, but just the tactile button feat,

So if anyone know anything about getting me closer to the goal I might even post some donations into the project for my brother.

Best regards
Henrik Andersen

If I understand the question correctly, you want to use EEPROM:

That way you can store up to 1K bytes (which should be plenty) of "button codes".

I can't quite visualize the hardware, but the gist of it sounds OK. The "programming" button would get it to save incoming sequences into RAM, and then if you "commit" them they are saved in EEPROM, which survives power-off.

This may help a bit, although it is PS2:

PS3 is wireless isn't it? That's going to be a bit trickier to get working.

Hi Nick

I think your on to something with the EEPROM. That might be in the right direction.

But the link with the ps2, I dont see how to use it for what i want, could you please explain what the intentions was with the link.? Cause the controller is gonna be used with a PS3, Not to control a robot or anything. Pure gaming, like the last link explains.

Would I be able to Program the EEPROM from inside a controller, without having to take it out.?

And would you know how to make a setup, and is it much writing code in it.?

Sorry for all my questions, but I am eager to learn. :slight_smile:

Henrik Andersen

My intention was to show something similar.

I don't know enough about these controllers to know if this can be done. There may not physically be room, for one thing. If there is room, well maybe.

Try Google: "inside ps3 controller".

There are quite a few YouTube videos showing what they are like inside.

Tnx for that, but not what im looking for, but kind of you to post link.

There is plenty of room, thats not the concern, its more how to do it with code and all.

Tnx for your input.

Henrik Andersen

What I would do first is to make a class that can deal with buttons. Since the edge detection is somewhat difficult (with the bouncing), you could make one class that deals with all of it, with methods like:

void read();
bool transistioned();
bool high();
bool rising();
bool falling();
bool toggled();
void setToggle(bool toggled);
int pressLength();

Then you'd make 15 instances of the class (one for each button) and use the appropriate method to do the transitions.

Once you have something to read the buttons correctly, you'd write your main loop. In it, you'd check toggled() to see if you're currently writing, turn on the LED, and then see if a button has gone high that was not before (with rising). If it was, then you add it to the appropriate position on the EEPROM. Otherwise, you don't do anything, and loop over again.

Of course, that's just how I would do it -- it may be a little over your head. I'm having trouble thinking of something "simpler" though.

Hi WizenedEE

Well, your right about this being over my head, cause I haven't got a clue on what your writing, but like i said, I am eager to learn about it.

Is there a program, where I could set up the whole thing and test it virtually, to get visual sight on this, its much easier for me to see in pictures and diagrams to get a feeling of what is going on and how.?

And thank you for putting in the time to answer me. Very kind of you.

Henrik Andersen

What I would do first is to make a class that can deal with buttons.

Don't forget that PS3 controller buttons are analogue pressure sensors and don't just give a pressed/not-pressed response.

By your reply, I'm guessing its not that simple after all, you seem like a person who knows a little about what I'm searching for.?

Henrik Andersen

I've always assumed that, if it was easy, there would be loads of commercially available macro-programmable PS3 controllers, even if they had to be wired. As there aren't, the add-on market either feels that no-one would buy them (seems unlikely) or it's too much trouble.

But there is Unoriginal PS3 Macro controllers on the market, just not as advance as them, viking are making for Xbox. So its possible to buy, but they online support macro trough one of the all ready used buttons, Square, Triangle, Circle, ect. Non tactile button for Macro, and that in a game makes that button useless when your using it for a Macro.