Sorry for the bad English, hope you understand what I'm after.
I've been searching the site for a kit that memorizes.
Lets say you got 12 different buttons and 3 tactical buttons, when I push First Tactical for, lets say 3 sec. it goes into "learning" mode, and now I make a combination of pushes on the 12 buttons, when done press the tactical again and now the combination is stored.
And repeat with the remaining two tactical.
Now I got 3 Tactical with different press Combo's.
When I'm in need of combo N#1 I just press the Tactical N#1 and it does the combo I've saved before.
And so one if I'm in need of saved Combo's on N#2 and N#3.
There should be a LED that tells me when I'm in "write" mode.
Hope its not to confusing to understand, Its for my disabled little brother and are gonna be a great help for him and us.
I will go in to further details if anybody has an idea on how to realize the setup
He plays PS3, and sometimes he plays some games that requires some difficult combinations of button press. This requires that we help him a lot cause he loves hes video games. So I wanted to implant some extra buttons on the back, and learn them a combo, so every time he presses one of the tacs, it preforms the combo we taught it. But it should be acceptable to learning new combos when we press down a tac for 3 sec. or more cause the HUGE selection of games he plays.
So I need to Press a homemade button on the back soldered to a chip thats connected to the 12 original buttons on the ps3 controller.
So if I press the tactical button for x sec., it goes into learning mode, then I press, "red, red, green, blue, red etc." and press it again to "close learning" mode.
Then press the tactical button once, and it does what it's been programmed to.
Tnx in advance
Best Regards
Henrik Andersen