Memory Mapped Array?

I have a Mega2560 (8K RAM) with an external Rugged Circuits QuadRAM board fitted. I can access all of the first bank ( I only need the first) fine by using some thing like this;

for (ptr = (unsigned char *)0x2200U; ptr != 0; ) {
*ptr++ = (unsigned char) (count++);

However, i'd like to declare a data structure in the extended ram if possible. Is there a way of defining what address a structure will live at? I'm ok to manage the map of the extended memory myself (and know there are risks in doing so).What i'd ideally like is something like;

// declare an arry of 1000 ints in extended memory starting at adress 0x3000
int MyArr[1000] @ 0x3000;

Any ideas?

BTW; using Xmem or Xmem2 doesn't seem to work with recent versions of arduino, as there are compilation errors on 1.5.2. So i'm a bit stuck.


int * MyArr = (int *) 0x3000;

Doh!. Of course.

Thanks Nick