Menu help and guidance

Hi Everyone,

With the help and guidance from LightuC I am attempting to work on a very simple menu for myself since the others that I have seen were overkill for me to really understand and work with. So far the test menu seems to be working as I go from screen to screen, I am having a few difficulties however.

This setup is just an lCD screen with 3 push buttons. The LCD only has 4 pins to connect to the arduino.

I took out some of the comments to keep the code a bit more compact. I do have two requests if I can get some help with them i will have made my menu system.

  1. My function below I am not getting my value to flip back and forth from auto to manual.
void updateBoolValue()
  1. While looking at the code how do I get everything a bit more compact without having code duplicated? Can someone offer some guidance? I was just trying to get what I was working on to work and I am sure there are areas that can be coded better.
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include <Wire.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 20, 4);

#define btnSelect 2   // select push button to scroll menu pages
#define btnUp     3   // up pushbutton to increment values
#define btnDown   4   // down pushbutton to decrement values

bool btn_Select_Pressed = false;    // keep track if the button has been pressed
int btnSelectCurState;              // the current reading from the input pin
int btnSelectLastState = HIGH;      // the previous reading from the select button
unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0; // the last time the output pin was toggled
unsigned long debounceDelay = 50;

bool btn_Up_Pressed = false;    // keep track if the button has been pressed
int btnUpCurState;              // the current reading from the input pin
int btnUpLastState = HIGH;      // the previous reading from the select button

int menuScreen = 0;
int value = 0;
bool disp;

#define DEBUG

bool isSelectButtonPressed()
  int btnSelectState = digitalRead(btnSelect);
  if(btnSelectState != btnSelectLastState) 
    lastDebounceTime = millis();

  if((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) 
    if(btnSelectState != btnSelectCurState) 
      btnSelectCurState = btnSelectState;
      if(btnSelectCurState == LOW) 
        btn_Select_Pressed = true;
        if((menuScreen < 0) || (menuScreen > 2))
          menuScreen = 0;  
  btnSelectLastState = btnSelectState;

  if(btn_Select_Pressed == true)
    #ifdef DEBUG
        Serial.print("btn_Select_Pressed = ");

    btn_Select_Pressed = false;  // reset the variable back to false  
    return true;
    return false;

bool isButtonUpPressed()
  int btnUpState = digitalRead(btnUp);
  if(btnUpState != btnUpLastState) 
    lastDebounceTime = millis();

  if((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) 
    if(btnUpState != btnUpCurState) 
      btnUpCurState = btnUpState;
      if(btnUpCurState == LOW) 
        btn_Up_Pressed = true;
  btnUpLastState = btnUpState;

  if(btn_Up_Pressed == true)
    #ifdef DEBUG
        Serial.print("btn_Up_Pressed = ");

    btn_Up_Pressed = false;  // reset the variable back to false  
    return true;
    return false;

void getNextMenuPage()
    case 0:
      lcd.setCursor(2, 0);
      lcd.print(" *Main Screen *"); 
      lcd.setCursor(4, 2);
      lcd.print("Testing the");
      lcd.setCursor(4, 3);
      lcd.print("Main Screen"); 
    case 1:
      lcd.setCursor(2, 2);
      lcd.print("              "); 
      lcd.setCursor(2, 2);
      lcd.print("Config Screen"); 
      lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
    case 2:
      lcd.setCursor(2, 2);
      lcd.print("Runtime Screen"); 
      lcd.setCursor(0, 3);

void updatePageValue()
  if(menuScreen == 1)
    lcd.setCursor(0, 3);

void updateBoolValue()
  #ifdef DEBUG
      Serial.print("disp value = ");

  lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
  lcd.print((disp == false) ? "MANUAL" : "AUTO" );

void setup() 
  #ifdef DEBUG
  pinMode(btnSelect, INPUT_PULLUP); 
  pinMode(btnUp, INPUT_PULLUP); 
  pinMode(btnDown, INPUT_PULLUP); 

  lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd
  lcd.backlight(); // open the backlight 

  lcd.setCursor(2, 0);
  lcd.print("**Main Screen**");

  #ifdef DEBUG

void loop() 

    if(menuScreen == 1)
    else if(menuScreen == 2)



Thats correct. I actually dont really know how to get the values to flip back and forth.

You mean this function:

void updateBoolValue()

  #ifdef DEBUG
      Serial.print("disp value = ");

lcd.setCursor(0, 3);
  lcd.print((disp == false) ? "MANUAL" : "AUTO" );

It doesn't change any value. disp never changes in here. It just displays it. Is that what you mean? It's supposed to change here?

How can you have all that code written and you don't know how to assign a value to a variable? I'm not trying to be mean here, I just honestly don't understand how you get something that complicated and then you can't assign a simple value to a simple variable.

Good question. It actually made me laugh as I read your comment because thats what I was asking myself too.

Ever since I have been coding I have never used logic like that. I always used if statements. Thats hows little I do any coding, thats why I like to keep it very simple so I can understand and not get confused when I look at the code years later. There are code examples I have looked at and its so complex that I dont even waste my time trying to go nuts.

Appreicate the help on that variable.

I was hoping for an example like this one that you gave.

disp = !disp;

I didnt want to use my usual if statements as I am trying to make the code short without a lot of if statements. Its actually not a lot of code, very short and easy to understand.

Didn’t someone write a library for menus ?

Many people wrote libraries for menus, but I hadn't found any that i could work with. If I did find a good one I couldn't get any of the examples to compile so I never bothered. I searched for weeks and weeks every day looking for examples, or, even a simple library but had no luck. I even asked in the forum about libraries, still I couldn't find what I needed.

Or the examples were so complex that i didn't understand most of it. By me writing what i needed will work, as I fix the code up and add a few more things to it to make it an entire program it should be cool.

I will not be surprised at all that after I wrote my own that i will stumble into something out there on the web and then wonder why I hadn't found that in the first place.