Menu LCD and push button?

I asked for examples and explanations of "menu" creation on the "LCD" display and the "5 push button" as the control up, down, right, left, ok, back.
please help me and thanks :slight_smile:

Every display is different. Every up/down/left/right button is different. There's no gemeral-purpose library that works on every screen.

If you tell us which screen you have then maybe we can point you towards a useful library. However most people just write it from scratch - printing messages directly to the LCD screen.

Aunt Google is your friend, so learn to use it!

Maybe this helps, if I guessed your system right (LCD keypad shield):

If you don't have a LCD keypad shield, you can build it from scratch; this is no rocket science, as those shields just have pre-fabricated/mounted:
Uno, LCD, pushbuttons and a potentiometer for adjusting the LCD's contrast level.

as those shields just have pre-fabricated/mounted:
Uno, LCD, pushbuttons and a potentiometer for adjusting the LCD's contrast level.

And the resistor network to give unique value per button at A0.

Aunt Google is your friend, so learn to use it!

Maybe this helps, if I guessed your system right (LCD keypad shield):

If you don't have a LCD keypad shield, you can build it from scratch; this is no rocket science, as those shields just have pre-fabricated/mounted:
Uno, LCD, pushbuttons and a potentiometer for adjusting the LCD's contrast level.

thanks, a good solution,
but I mean to be normal push button, not push button module

thanks, a good solution,
but I mean to be normal push button, not push button module

Then just modify the code such that the menu items are selected by having detected a button press on input a, b, c or whatever you like.

Then just modify the code such that the menu items are selected by having detected a button press on input a, b, c or whatever you like.

thank you very much, I'll try

thanks, a good solution,
but I mean to be normal push button, not push button module

I think that standard solutions for menu systems are neither existing for normal push buttons nor for the buttons of the LCD Keypad Shield (which are Select, Up, Down, Left and Right besides a "Reset" button which resets the Arduino board on which you stacked the shield.

Some people want linear menus, others want nested 2D-menus, two or more levels deeply nested. Some want just control and save some setup valuesbefore storing them in EEPROM, others want to control hundreds of different devices, on and/or off or PWM control, some want date and clock setting of their RTC module.

Topic "Who will send me a menu system" is coming up here in this forum every two weeks or so, for more than ten years now. Always same or similar question asked. Until now: There is no standard solution for copy-and-paste-and-run. You better start programming what you want, I don't think somebody else will do.

Why shouldn't he go on on the example sketch, learn how itbworks and modify it to his needs?