Hi everyone,
I'm working on a project in which I have to confront real time with time set by user to fire some actions. Example: user selected 08:00 am to turn on my object and 22:00 to turn off. I would confront these values with RTC module and execute these actions.
I am using an Arduino Uno, a 20x4 LCD (lhttp://4tronix.co.uk/arduino/I2C_LCD_Module.php) and a RTC module (like this one: http://www.filipeflop.com/pd-6b854-real-time-clock-rtc-ds1307.html), both using I2C communication. Both are connected to the analog pins A4 and A5. I am also using push buttons to control the menu, but those are connected to digital pins.
I have created a menu using the MENWIZ library and that works correctly. I can navigate through menus and change variable values. My RTC module works perfect when it stands alone, but when I put both on the same code it doesn't work. The time shown is not correct. I have tried the RTClib (GitHub - adafruit/RTClib: A fork of Jeelab's fantastic RTC Arduino library) and also DS1307 library (DS1307 - Rinky-Dink Electronics)
Reading some topics threads I could see that it might be a problem regarding libraries, maybe both are trying to control pins A4 and A5 at same time. Even though, I could not manage to find a solution. Could you guys help me?