Mesh networking using esp8266

I have a small home project in which I want to monitor around 15-20 switches whether it's on or off and for how long it was on.

Basically it's like I have that many esp8266, each connected to one of those switches. These esp8266 will be communicating to each other in a mesh and all dumping data to a Raspberry pi module which logs data from each of these esp8266.

When a particular switch is turned on then the ESP8266 connected to that switch will start sending every 2 minutes a message which would be the Identifier of the ESP8266. Raspberry Pi once it receives the message will store this data in an csv file with the identifier of the esp8266 and current timestamp

Very interesting.

Do you have a question?

Is this a class project or are you just looking to do it the hard way?

Challenging project! Please keep us informed.

Please let me know if anyone could help me how to go about this project and a sample code

You could consider using this text-message-based mesh network project as a starting point.

I cleaned up the code and used it for another project. The cleaned up code is posted here.

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