Anyone who can help in what type or where can i get a metal and a stone detector
i have a great project for these two detectors
I've never heard of a stone detector. What types of stones does it detect, and how does it work? Does size matter?
Interesting project, welcome. Magnets work great for ferrous material but are useless on things like aluminum. without a lot more information such as what the materials are, the mix etc it is a long shot in the dark.
Okay i will take you on the stone detector part,i though of either using an x-ray
cause the detector will be used in a processed food
since some contaminants e.g tiny stones in processed rice,ferrous materials in sugar etc
so i wanted if i can use another sensor apart from x-ray to detect those small sized stones
Thank you so much,,okay the project involves more on processed food so that any contaminants both ferrous and non ferrous should be detected if available after processed or after production
the system will be showing those products with failures with present contaminants to be processed again, that's my overview of the project, so if maybe i can use any other detectors either arduino or electromagnetic induction or combined but with both purposes of metal and non metal as long as it is not supposed to be in the food it has to be worked on.
Separating by density is a possibility. This is probably not a project for Arduino.
I thought of density but the contaminants portion most of the time is very small which could be sometimes hard to really detect how much denser is from the others since tiny proportion of contaminants
Turn the project around! What are the repercussions to NOT detecting something? Do you want to assume responsibility?
If this is a commercial project, look into commercial solutions. People have been separating stone chips from grain for a thousand years.
Sadly no x-rays for this.
Too dangerous.
Here is a page of electromagnetic measuring equipment used by geologists and archeologists...
Not commecial
Okay, thank you
I don't get what you're trying to mean enlighten me
Its not about measuring any equipment though
The link showed equipment used to measure geologic artifacts.
Every system being designed to sense something must include the cost of NOT finding something.
This is exactly true brother i totally agree with you,i just have to find other ways or implement something very fast in my design
Thanks brother
Oh, i see thank you so much i will check on it
Thank you so much.