mfrc522 mifare classsic


Is it possible to set key A and B. Im working on a access control project algo similar to those found in iRevo products.


A little bit more information would be appreciated.

Sure this is the library i'm using GitHub - miguelbalboa/rfid: Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522
Key A and B are the encryption keys used by crypto1.
Idea is to write new encryption keys A and B every time
the rfid card is authorized pseudo random number in the same sector as the encryption keys A and B.
Now the card uid, pseudo random number, mifare classic block number and number of cards is stored in cardaccess eeprom structure. This code is already written and works but it would be nice to
update encryption keys A and B just like the pseudo random number is updated every time card is authorized.

A closer look at source code in mfrc522 library and it looks like no such
function is available. That answers the question I guess.