Micro SMD tilt switch?

Hello, I was wondering if anyone came across a micro smd tilt switch? I'm working on my own watch and looking for the smallest tilt switch. I searched online but could not find a tiny one. I was wondering if anyone from the community came across one?


I just use mercury tilt switches, they come in 5 and 3mm.


Hello Larry, Thank you. But I think even at 3mm is still a little to big.

Could you use an accelerometer?

hey John yes I'm going to add one but the problem is when in sleep mode the accelerometer I'm not sure how to trigger awake up of the processor and screen. I need to look into that but thank you yes that might work better.

Hello josephchrzempiec
Take a view here to get some ideas:

Have a nice day and enjoy programming in C++ and learning.

Hello Paul, Also thank you I will look into them as well. A little off guard on how many they are out there and sizes. WOW.

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