Microcontroller + NRF24l01 shrinking my arduino project


I want to use an NRF24l01 transceiver with a LED and control it with Arduino, I already got the code working on Arduino but I want to shrink my project

This is the code I use for the LED:

#include <RF24.h>
//int msg[1];
int ReceivedMessage[1] = {000}; // Used to store value received by the NRF24L01
RF24 radio(9,10);
const uint64_t pipe = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL;
int LED1 = 3;

void setup(void){
radio.setPALevel (RF24_PA_MAX);
radio.setDataRate (RF24_250KBPS);
pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);}

void loop(void){
while (radio.available()){
radio.read(ReceivedMessage, 1); // Read information from the NRF24L01
if (ReceivedMessage[0] == 111)
{delay(10);digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);}
else {digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);}
//else{Serial.println("No radio available");}}

My question is: what would be the best/easiest standalone microcontroller to use with the NRF24l01?

I already used the attiny85 solution but it's too difficult to control with the 3 pin solution for the NRF24l01 and it's not very reliable, I also tried the attiny2312 but there isn't enough space on it to use the code, I also tried the atmega328p but I'm looking for other smaller solutions

ATTiny84? ATTiny841? ATTiny1634? ATTiny861? ATTiny88?

All are viable options with more pins, and enough memory to do something with. 841 and 1634 have dual hardware serial, and the 841 even has real SPI hardware (instead of USI like most attiny - though the SPI library included with my core provides a compatible SPI interface regardless of the underlying hardware) - but those two are only in SMD packages. (though my tindie store breakout boards, assembled and bare board, for these parts, as well as the 88 and 861, though those two come in DIP so you may not need one)