Microcontrollers and graphics


I'm looking for a microcontroller that has either a simple 3D GPU or some other kind of vector processor that can do SIMD style compute, and it should be directly programmable without an OS or a driver. I've found a few that have a 2D GPU, but I'm wondering if there are any with simple 3D graphics capabilities?

Miika Vihersaari

The credit-card sized Jetson Nano is popular. Jetson Nano Brings the Power of Modern AI to Edge Devices | NVIDIA

SBC microcontroller with "3D" graphics? at DuckDuckGo

But would not an old notebook be a better option?

Remains the question how the computed pixels get their way to the display. I'd look for a display with a powerful graphics chip.

What is the goal:

or graphics?

Thanks for your replies!

My goal really is to eventually build a simple toy computer. Kind of like an Amiga or C64, but with a bit more memory and compute power. I'd imagine that if the MCU has some kind of a GPU, it probably has support for SDRAM. 128MB would be enough, maybe even 64MB.

@jremington The goal is graphics, but it wouldn't be a bad thing to have a general purpose VPU that could do other things as well. This wouldn't perform as well as something that's specifically designed for 3D graphics, but that's okay.

The video resolution doesn't have to be anything big. 640x480 would be more than enough.

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