Microcontrollers capabilities?

I would like to know the differences between Arduino Nano 33 Iot and Particle Argon, non technical version. Besides, I noticed that Argon can code remotely(from webpage) can Nano does this? Also how about mesh networking in Nano? Pls assist, ty :slight_smile:

If it is possible to use OTA, it may be possible to create a web server to upload, we will wait for more comments.

You can do OTA uploads to the Arduino MKR 1010, Arduino MKR 1000, Arduino MKR Vidor 4000, Arduino Nano 33 IoT, ESP8266 boards, and ESP32 boards.

As for using shields. You can do OTA uploads to the Arduino Zero with the Arduino WiFi Shield 101. There is a list of supported microcontrollers of the ArduinoOTA library here:
GitHub - JAndrassy/ArduinoOTA: Arduino library to upload sketch over network to Arduino board with WiFi or Ethernet libraries

For the MKR 1010 and WiFi Shield 101, there is an official Arduino library:
GitHub - arduino-libraries/WiFi101OTA: Update sketches to your SAMD board over WiFi

The ESP8266 comes with it's own OTA support built in:
OTA Updates — ESP8266 Arduino Core 2.5.2 documentation
The ESP32 folks seem to be allergic to writing documentation, but I'd guess the ESP8266 documentation should apply fairly well.

Source: Arduino.cc - Upload a sketch using WIFI?