Hi. I have a situation with a non-working button in my sketch. From debugging print I think this is related to micros rollover, but I don't know how to change/fix this.
When running the sketch, buttons work ok at start. Debugging info shows that variable last_micros increases after each button push, as it should. But after running for 71(?) minutes the micros() rollover, and that value is now lower than last_micros. And no button push is recognized.
I am using: Mega2560, IDE 1.0.2. When I search this forum, I have only found statements that supports the existing code. (But it don't work, at least for me.)
Copy of some of the code:
volatile int push[2] = {0,0}; // Variable to pass button press back to main loop
long debouncing_time = 40; // Debouncing Time in Milliseconds
volatile unsigned long last_micros; // Variable to keep time while debounce
ISR(PCINT0_vect) // handle pin change interrupt for PCINT0 to PCINT7 here, pin D53-D50 and D10-D13
static uint8_t btn = _BV(PB5) | _BV(PB6);
uint8_t t = PINB; // read port status
// check if buttons are pushed
t &= _BV(PB6) | _BV(PB5); // D11 D12
if (t != btn) { // activity on pins, we're only interested in high to low transitions
if((long)(micros() - last_micros) >= debouncing_time * 1000) {
push[0] |= !(t & _BV(PB5));
push[1] |= !(t & _BV(PB6));
btn = t;
last_micros = micros(); // start/restart bounce guard timer (covers make and break)
void loop() {
// do data logging if it is time for it
if(millis() - logTime>LOG_DELAY) {
logTime += LOG_DELAY;
Serial.print("brewController loop, do dataLogger");
Serial.print(" micros:");
Serial.print(" last_micros:");
The debugging print is in a loop that is activated every 2.nd second.