Hello everyone,
I'm trying to get familiar with the Nano ESP32 S3 which, according to the compatibility chart, seems fully compatible with the control surface library and supports MIDI-over-USB. See the link: MIDI over USB
Now, I'm starting from basic functions to see how it feels: 1 PBPotentiometer, 1 Note button, 1 encoder.
It wasn't as easy as the Pro Micro, but I managed to upload my sketch:
#include <Control_Surface.h>
#include <Encoder.h>
USBMIDI_Interface midi;
using namespace MIDI_Notes;
PBPotentiometer vol1 {
2, // Analog pin connected to potentiometer
CHANNEL_1, // MIDI Channel
NoteButton button1 = {
{note(Ab, -1), CHANNEL_1},
CCRotaryEncoder enc1 = {
{6, 7},
1, // optional multiplier if the control isn't fast enough
void setup() {
void loop() {
The note button and encoder seem fine now; the PBPotentiometer works but it is a bit noisy; the library analog filter doesn't seem to improve much.
Do you guys have an idea of what can I do to make it work properly?
Thank you!